
Modern Warfare 2 leaks reveal return of infamous Damascus camo

After the success of Modern Warfare 2 in 2022, the fan favorite Damascus camo from the 2019 prequel could very well arrive soon if recent leaks are to be believed. On January 3, 2022, Reddit user beefycthu reported that the popular camo is already present in the game files of Modern Warfare 2.

Obtaining it this time around will be an easier process, but that method is likely to upset a good portion of the community. If the datamined information is to be believed, the Damascus camo will be a paid skin that's part of a blueprint and is unlikely to feature a free alternative.

Modern Warfare 2's Damascus camo will be behind a paywall for the time being

The Damascus camo will only be applicable for certain Modern Warfare 2 weapons if this leaked information is accurate. Presently, the leaks suggest that the skin will arrive for the Chimera rifle and will be exclusively restricted to the AR. It could even be introduced in a bundle and feature more weapons with the popular camo.

While fans are delighted that the camo is returning to the series' latest release, its implementation seems unfair to some. Locking it behind a paywall grants less freedom to players who may be unwilling to spend more on microtransactions. Furthermore, free-to-play Warzone 2 players will miss out on this popular camo.

Modern Warfare 2's current system for unlocking camo is far more streamlined as it benefits casual players. Various bundles, including recent notable additions, can be easily purchased with CoD points. Simultaneously, players can also obtain blueprints with special camos from the Season Pass.

Unlike the franchise's previous games, players don't have to unlock camos individually across every weapon. In general, the new blueprint system has significantly changed the situation, for the better. Representing the end-game content, the game's mastery camos are also available, which will require serious investment of time and skill to unlock.

Although camos offer no real advantage, several players prefer certain options over others due to their in-game characteristics regarding blueprints. The popularity of the Damascus camo is clearly understood by the fact that players had to go to great lengths in order to obtain it in 2019's Modern Warfare.

With Season 1 entering its final month, players have been provided with several blueprints and customization options throughout their in-game journey. With none other than the Damascus camo set to arrive, the community is certainly looking forward to what the future holds.

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Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-13