
Simon Silva Obituary, Biography, Full Name, Relationship, Family, Cause Of Death

We announce the passing of Simon Silva (Chula Vista, California), born in Phoenix, Arizona, on September 3, 2022, at the age of 56, leaving behind friends and family to mourn. On Simon Silva’s memorial page, you can send the family a letter of sympathy as a final remembrance.

Many people, notably his parents Sisto Silva and Josefina Gallegos, his brother Paul, and his wife Claudia, adored and cherished him.

Because he firmly believed in their missions, he served on the boards of Serving Seniors and the Chula Vista Community Foundation.

Simon Silva has chosen to keep the personal life private, so there is currently no information available However, we will be updating the site as soon as we are able to obtain this information.

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Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-06-25