
The first issue of Playboy magazine Ive never read

Jeanie Buss is one of the most recognizable owners in the NBA. After growing into the role thanks to her father, Dr. Jerry Buss, who made sure she was ready to step into his shoes, the team achieved great success. Despite the recent criticism she faced as a result of the team's shortcomings, Buss has retained her popularity.

Back in 1995, Jeanie Buss made the decision at 32 years old to pose for Playboy Magazine. The move was pretty bold for the daughter of LA Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, and one she admittedly has had to answer for ever since. At the time, she was newly single and looking to do things that she wouldn't have while married.

During an appearance on comedian Theo Von's podcast four years ago, a fan wrote in to ask Buss about being in Playboy. She recalled at the time that she went through the process of being photographed for Playboy just like any other model.

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Since the podcast content discusses the topic of nudity, it can only be viewed on the platform. Above, you can see footage of Jeanie Buss on Jimmy Kimmel telling stories about her father and discussing the Lakers docuseries.

Jeanie Buss' run as head of the LA Lakers

Although Jeanie Buss and her siblings received equal ownership in the team after their father's death, it wasn't until 2017 that Buss finally took control of the Lakers. With her uncle working as the Executive VP of Basketball Operations, Buss' special advisor, Magic Johnson, found himself left out of key decisions.

Magic Johnson (2022 NBA All-Star Game)

Eventually, she fired Jim and took control, appointing Magic Johnson as President of Basketball Operations, and Rob Pelinka as general manager. After capturing her first title on the back of LeBron James' brilliant performance in 2020, Buss then found herself on the receiving end of considerable criticism.

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Many have faulted her for the Lakers' shortcomings in recent seasons, specifically in the time since the team acquired Russell Westbrook.

According to Skip Bayless, it wasn't Jeanie Buss or Rob Pelinka who deserves the blame, it was LeBron James. Given the Akron native's hand in constructing the Lakers roster, he believes Pelinka and Buss shouldn't receive blame.

During a recent episode of Undisputed, he fired shots at James, saying:

"He wants to win, he's ashamed of being in the middle of this. But the point is that he had a lot to do with getting in the middle of this. ...The quote-unquote GOAT needs a scapegoat. Now it feels like he's deflecting blame onto Rob Pelinka."

With James and the LA Lakers on a four-game win streak, it will be interesting to see whether they're able to win Buss another NBA championship.

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Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-17