
The Lauren Boebert-Beetlejuice saga is mind-numbing GOP hypocrisy links

Here is Rep. Lauren Boebert on the House floor speaking about banning YA books that display “offensive and very inappropriate” themes and here she is at the Denver theater last Sunday where she and her date were caught on camera groping each other publicly.

— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) September 17, 2023

Here’s part of the Lauren Boebert–Beetlejuice saga. [Jezebel]
All about the “How often do you think about the Roman Empire” trend. [Just Jared]
Ciara laughs when asked about coparenting with Future. [LaineyGossip]
I really want to see Rustin, despite the mediocre reviews. [Pajiba]
Jason Wu’s collection is very pretty (and slightly boring). [Go Fug Yourself]
Oh, Keira Knightley looks amazing here. [RCFA]
ABC canceled The Wonder Years. [Seriously OMG]
What Emma Watson keeps in her backpack. [Egotastic]
Here are some (surprisingly) good tips about how to change some “mindless” habits which leave people feeling exhausted. [Buzzfeed]
This Elon Musk-Grimes situation is just… ugh. [Starcasm]
More photos from the Vogue World event last week. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Last week’s drag news. [Socialite Life]


Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-14