What did Luenell post? Tito Jackson death claim goes viral as fans express concern over musician
Luenell Campbell has started to trend online after claiming that musician Tito Jackson had passed away. Campbell shared the news in an Instagram post, which was not well received by the public. Social media platforms were flooded with reactions when the post went viral.
According to Hollywood Unlocked, Campbell shared a picture of the pop band the Jackson 5 on Instagram and wrote in the caption:
"@poppa3t Tito Jackson. Prayers going out to the entire Jackson clan today."Media personality and senior news producer for TMZ Loren Lorosa confirmed on August 22, 2023, that Tito Jackson is not dead. She posted a tweet saying that she had a word with Tito's manager, who revealed that he is alive. The manager also told her that Jackson was at his residence working on his new album.
Following a negative reaction to the post, Campbell deleted it. The comedian and actress has been featured in various TV films and shows.
Luenell's false claims about Tito Jackson's death lead to a negative response
Just like a majority of the cases from the last few months, Tito Jackson also became a victim of a death hoax. This happened after Luenell Campbell shared an Instagram post claiming that Tito had passed away.
Although senior news producer for TMZ Loren Lorosa revealed that the news was false, netizens were unhappy with Campbell's actions, and they began criticizing her on social media.
There have been many celebrities who have been victims of death hoaxes over the years. Paul McCartney, Dolly Parton, and Betty White are a few names included in the list.
Tito Jackson has pursued a successful career as a musician over the years. He began playing for the Jackson 5 in 1964. The group is known for hit albums like Destiny and Triumph. The Love You Save and I'll Be There are a few of his popular singles.
Starting in 2003, Tito Jackson pursued a solo career. He is known for his song Get It Baby, and his debut album, Tito Time, was released in December 2016. He continued to release more singles.
Luenell Campbell has appeared in several films and TV shows
Luenell Campbell made her acting debut in 1993. She appeared in the film So I Married an Axe Murderer at the time. A Christmas Blessing and The HOA are among the TV films in which she has appeared.
The popular TV show Ten Year Old Tom is also included in her filmography. She portrayed the role of Debra in the comedy film Block Party, which was released in 2022.
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